First Nation Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 30055     Portland, OR 97294

Phone: (503) 408-2391     Fax: (503) 256-8560

Issue 6; Visits No. 16, 17, 18

November 2007

Dear Teammates,

  What a wonderful year this has been in our labors together winning Indians to Jesus.  I marvel at God’s great faithfulness providing open doors, supplies, equipment, people, and finances to get the job done.  He fulfills His promise, “Faithful is He who calleth you who also will do it.”  Praise His holy name!  At this time we have made 21 visits to the reservations of the West.  This newsletter brings our reporting up to date through Visit 18.  There never seems to be enough hours in the day, but we are getting caught up.  Thank you for your patience.

  How we wish each of you could be along on a visit to the most needy mission field for which we have to answer for.  Here at home in our own back yard the Indian people sit in darkness.  This was their land; we took it by force.  The reservations have been little more than prison camps.  Our efforts to make white men out of them have failed.  They are not farmers or business men.  The efforts to establish them as such have failed as evidenced by the closed pencil factories, rug factories, sugar refineries, and other endeavors.

  First Nation Ministries’ goal is focused on showing our love and care, and winning their lost souls to Christ.  We minister to their bodies that we might minister to their souls.  Wonderful change comes about in the earthly part of their being when they meet the Master face to face and are saved.  They then become part of God’s righteous people who are never forsaken or begging bread.  God’s promise is true.

  Our work, as has always been, is open to all Christians that care for First Americans.  Our records, activities, and finances are not hidden or secret.  We stand up under inspection; there is nothing to hide.  We value your prayers and support!  Your participation is invited.  We are working on ways to get more of you teammates along on visits to the reservations.  Our hearts are encouraged.  One church has taken on the project of a Christmas gift for every child at the Celilo Village. Another husband-wife team has asked to head up a gift for every adult there.  A businessman will see that every family has a turkey.  Are you interested in being involved?  Give us a call at the office (503) 408-2391.  We thank you from the depth of our hearts and pray God to bless you real good.


Your old missionary brother;

Don Cline


P.S.  I am delighted at the words of appreciation for the poetry I have shared.  Let me do it again. I have added the last four lines to bring comfort at funerals.


recorded by Hank Williams

writer unknown



I was walking in Savannah past a church decayed and dim,

When slowly through the window came a plaintive funeral hymn.

And my sympathy awakened and a wonder quickly grew,

‘Till I found myself envir’ed in a little colored pew.


Out front a colored couple sat in sorrow nearly wild,

On the altar was a casket, and in the casket was a child.

I could picture him while livin’, curly hair, protruding lips,

I’d seen perhaps a thousand in my hurried southern trips.


Rose a sad, old colored preacher from his little wooden desk,

With a manner sort of awkward and countenance grotesque.

The simplicity and shrewdness in his Ethiopian face

Showed the wisdom and ignorance of a crushed, undying race.


And he said, “Now don’t be weepin’ for this pretty bit of clay,

For the little boy who lived there has done gone and run away.

He was doin’ very finely and he ‘ppreciates your love,

But his sho-‘nough Father wanted him in that big house up above.


The Lord didn’t give you that baby, by no hundred thousand miles,

He just think you need some sunshine and He lent it for awhile.

And He let you keep and love it ‘till your hearts were bigger grown,

And these silver tears you’re sheddin’ now is just interest on the loan.


Just think, my poor, dear mourners, creepin’ along on sorrow’s way,

What a blessed picnic this here baby got today.

Your good fathers and good mothers crowd the little fellow round,

In the angel’s tender garden of the big plantation ground.


And his eyes they brightly sparkle at the pretty things he viewed,

But a tear came, and he whispered, “I want my parents, too.”

But, then the angel’s chief musicians teach that little boy a song,

Says if only they be faithful, they’ll soon be comin’ ‘long.


So my poor detached mourners, let your hearts with Jesus rest,

And don’t go to criticizin’ the One what knows the best.

He has give us many comforts, He’s got the right to take away,

To the Lord be praise in glory, forever, let us pray.


So we now who mourn find victory in our risen Lord,

And strength, help, joy, and comfort in the promise of His word.

Though tears may fall and hearts do ache, our souls shall loudly sing,

“Jesus lives!  The grave has no victory, death has no sting!”




Wednesday, September 5- 2

  Wednesday morning Bob King, Leon Hansen, and Don Cline prayed for the wonderful week ahead.  We first visited NIBS at Alberton, Montana.  The gratitude of students and staff for clothing and food was most rewarding.  After a good nights rest as their guests, we hurried on to Hot Springs, S. Dak. for the Brainerd reunion.  Bro David Gowan had the vision for this blessed occasion and put it together in an excellent manner.  Alumni and staff, once part of the wonderful old school when it was a power under God’s hand, shed tears, smiled, and praised God to be together again after the school closure years ago.  We then spent Sun. and Mon. ministering on the Pine Ridge Res. with Cindy Antelope at Potato Creek, Cecelia Spotted Bear at Wounded Knee, and Kate Kindle at Oglala.  To see and feel the dedication and devotion of these veteran handmaidens of the Lord was a great blessing to us.  What a joy to have a small part in their ministry with food, clothing, Bibles, and a few dollars that help keep their work going.


Pictures from this trip:




Saturday, September 29

  Marvin Boettcher and old Brother Don got up early on this beautiful fall Saturday and drove to Moses Lake, Washington with a load of food for the ministry of our dear Sister Sherril Dormaier.  Sherril has carried on the work that she and her husband, Bob Two Teeth started long ago.  Since God took Bob home to heaven, Sherril’s parents, Lawrence and Ruth Dormaier have helped her.  This trio has endeared themselves to all of us who have worked with them.  Now God has taken Ruth home.  On this day we celebrated the life and labor of this saintly woman.  And what a celebration it was!  The vibrant, loving, praising life of Ruth Dormaier made this an occasion of joy, praise, and happiness.  It caused us all to rejoice and glorify our Lord!  Our determination to run well, fight a good fight, and finish the course to the glory of God was deepened by the example of our sister, Ruth Dormaier.



Pictures from this trip:





 Friday, October 12

  “After the first golden rays of the bright morning sun put the shadows to flight, and the stars one by one”, Ted Boyd fired up the Dodge Diesel and with this “hobbling old preacher” riding shotgun, headed out for Indian country.  Two hours later we wheeled in to Celilo Village, ten miles east of The Dalles.  Fourteen families of the “Salmon People” still make this their home.  All now have residence in new, temporary homes wheeled in by the government.  These are new and have adequate heat, electricity, water, and bathrooms.  The new permanent homes are under construction and the commitment made fifty years ago is being kept.  This is sacred ground to these people and it is a joy to be a bit of a blessing to them with material things as we minister to the body that we might minister to the soul.  Thank you for your help, Teammates!


Pictures from this trip: